Cooperation Agreement between the Citizenship Center and the General Federation of Jordanian Women

The Citizenship Center for Sustainable Development and the General Federation of Jordanian Women announced the signing of a cooperation agreement aimed at developing the skills of 20 women’s associations in Ma’an and Mafraq on active citizenship and digital communication skills for civil society and enhancing women’s participation in the digital public affairs. The center will also coordinate with the General Federation to develop the media skills of a group of women with a focus on promoting “podcast content” culture.
This program comes within the Citizenship Center project on enhancing women and youth capacities in participation and digital citizenship, which is supported by the Canadian Fund for Local Initiatives.

It is noteworthy that the General Federation of Jordanian Women was founded in 1981, and includes in its membership associations, clubs, and women’s social bodies, which have so far numbered (250) associations distributed over (11) branches of the federation in various governorates of the Kingdom. Her Royal Highness Princess Basma Bint Talal is the honorary president of the Federation.
Citizenship Center for Sustainable Development is a non-profit organization, founded in 2016. It seeks to consolidate the values of active citizenship and the public welfare within society and to promote the positive participation of youth in public life through contextual approaches in civic education, the digital transformation of civil society, and policymaking. The Center also works to provide stakeholders with policy papers to contribute to the development and sustainability of development programs.